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    保育者養成校と附属園における協働的教育の試み : 学生による3歳児の教材制作を通して

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    本研究では, 保育者養成校と附属園における学生への協働的教育の試みとして学生による3歳児の教材制 作を実施し, 学生への教育効果と協働的教育を通した保育者への効果を探索的に明らかにすることを目的と した。協働的教育を通じた教材制作について学生と保育者の感想をKH coderによるテキストマイニングを 用いて分析した。その結果, 附属園で制作した教材を子どもが使用する様子を観察することにより, 学生は 教材の使いやすさだけでなく, 遊びにおける教材の役割や子ども同士の関わりなどに気づき, 保育者としての意識が明確になることが示唆された。また学生の教材制作が保育者とのやりとりを通して対話的に行われることで, 附属園の保育者は, 学生の工夫に刺激を受け, 子どもたちの遊びにどのように生かされるかを考 える機会となったことが推察された。附属園の保育者どうしが互いの理解を語る中で対話が生まれ, 保育者どうしが保育観を理解し合うきっかけが生まれた。The aim of this study was to trial collaborative education in institutions training childcare workers and affiliated nurseries by creating teaching materials for 3-year-old children and clarifying the educational effect on students and the impact on childcare workers of the collaborative education through exploratory research. The impressions of students and childcare workers arising from the collaborative creation of the teaching materials were analyzed by text mining using the KH Coder software. The results suggested that by observing how children used the created teaching materials at affiliated nurseries, students not only recognized the ease of use of the teaching materials, but also realized the role of the teaching materials in play and the relationships between children, and clarified the awareness as childcare workers. Furthermore, because the students created the teaching materials interactively through exchanges with childcare workers, the childcare workers at the affiliated nurseries were inspired by the ingenuity of the students and given the opportunity to consider how to utilize the teaching materials in children’s play. Dialogue arose from the childcare workers talking about each other’s understanding and opportunities emerged for the childcare workers to understand each other’s views on childcare